(by Luis Quinones)
Culebra.NET is a 2D|3D Multi Object Behavior library written in C# (Wrapper around Culebra Java library) focused on hybrid system interactions.
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Culebra.NET is a 2D|3D Multi Object Behavior library written in C# (Wrapper around Culebra Java library) focused on hybrid system interactions with custom Visualization, Data, and performance features. It contains a collection of objects and behaviors for creating dynamic multi agent interactions. For more information see the Culebra Java Library.

The Culebra grasshopper plugin was rewritten to implement a slew of new behaviors through the use CulebraData.dll which is a wrapper around the Culebra Java Library.

Culebra contains the following features:

  • Behaviors - Components controlling system behavior
    • Flocking Behavior – Flockers Behavior Type Class Implements Flock Behavior Interface.
    • Wandering Behavior – Wanderer Behavior Type Class Implements Wander Behavior Interface, the base Wander behavior is from Craig Reynolds and Daniel Shiffman.
    • Noise Behavior – Improved Perlin Noise Behavior Type Class Implements Noise Behavior Interface.
    • Tracking Behavior – Path, Shape and multiShape Tracker Behavior Type Class Implements Tracking Behavior Interface.
    • Mesh Crawler – Mesh Crawler Behavior Class.
    • Forces – Attract, Repel and other force methods inside the controller class.
    • Mesh Color Behavior Influence
  • Engines- Single, Multi Object and Zombie Engine
  • Display - Components controlling the visual output and resolution, new Graphics/Geometry modes.
  • Self Org - Components which control self organizing of curve networks.
  • Spawn Types - Components controlling the spawning methods.

For questions and/or discussions please visit Grasshopper Culebra Group

Demo Files, Videos & Project Information :

Please use the Demo Files Included in the installer which will be automatically placed in the Culebra_2 Folder in your documents - Demo_Files

To view demo videos & notes please go to the Culebra.NET page.

To Install:

  • Download the ZIP file
  • Run the Culebra_Installer and follow the instructions
  • Open the Culebra folder in your documents for example files & documentation
  • Launch Rhino and Grasshopper

Some of the component icons are modified from David Ruttens base GH Icons.

Contact Info:



For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Culebra v1.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
Culebra v2.0-Beta
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
Culebra v2.1
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Also by Luis Quinones