(by Amin Bahrami)
Native OSC receiver for Coreus (Android application).
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Coreus plugin is the native receiver for an android application with the same name. It can provide users with various components, though this plugin starts with just two components that are accessible for users. Unfortunately, this plugin has currently created for Windows users, and it may not work correctly for the Mac-OS version of Grasshopper. 

  • Coreus Sensor: Listens to port 50047 from the application for any activated sensors data with the bit rate set in the application
  • Coreus Controller: Listens to port 50048 for any controllers the application provides like slider-box, text-box, touch-board, launchpad

Once the listener components receive the related OSC messages, the other component will be added. For example, as the first message from a device sends through a wifi network (with UDP protocol), the Coreus-Controller component will add a Touchboad component for that specific android device with its unique signature (by default, the IP address of the device). 

Supported sensors are Light, Proximity, Gravity vector, Rotations(Azimuth, Pitch, Roll), Linear Acceleration which can be added or removed. For more technical details, refer to the application's help.

You can install the Android application via Coreus in Google Play Store

Amin Bahrami [Studio Helioripple]

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For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Coreus 1.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Coreus 3.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win