City Generator
(by Zihan MEI)
Cross-Scale and Density-Driven City Generator: Parametric assistance to designers in the prototyping stage
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City Generator is an urban design toolkit for urban designers to make prototypes of large new town planning and reimagination of city generation. As a cross-scale and density-driven generator, the component follows the three steps:

  1. Take in the boundary and main roads, to generate the networks and blocks, with roads in 3 classes and blocks as well as pedestrians with offset from roads.
  2. Take in the 3 class roads and the blocks after offset, calculate the relative density by the blocks' distance to those roads, and remap this relative density to FAR in [0.5, 20].
  3. Take in the blocks and FAR correspondingly, classify the FAR into 3 classes to determine building forms, and generate the building geometry by FAR and BSR, as well as the additional towers for the blocks near main or secondary roads.

The generator aims to translate planning regulations into three-dimensional urban forms and provide users with efficient and intuitive design iterations. Moreover, our generator emphasizes consistency in generation across scales. From a single block to a district, they can be produced in one operation without losing details. Finally, the generator provides a great degree of freedom for users to manipulate, including three aspects - road generation, density mapping, and building form.

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City Generator
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
City Generator
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 Mac