BCI Connect is a suite of tools for using BCI Devices like Neurosky Mindwave or similar.
The suite contains:
BCI Bridge: is a standalone software that makes you able to catch the signal from a BCI device (at the moment works only with Neurosky Mindwave), record it on a csv file, and send it on an UDP-ip connection.
BCI Processing: is an add-on developed for Grasshopper the set some components to use a BCI device bluetooth connected on the same pc, or/and any number of device connected on a remote or local pc, with an UDP listner.
This the first public release of the suite, so feel free to download it under freeware license, try it and report us any bug.
To install the suite you have to unzip the file bciconnect.zip. The folder "bcibridge" include all is necessary to use BCIBridge. The application doesn't require any setup: you just have to doubleclick the bcibridge.exe file.
The add-on for Grasshopper is located in the folder "bciprocessing". You have to copy and paste the folder into the folder of components.
BCI Connect is developed by Hex Dev and Mediterranean Fab Lab.
You can download it choosing one of the following mirror:
download on hex-dev.org
download on medaarch
Enjoy it.
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