This component creates Perlin and Simplex noise. In the Grasshopper scripting on RhinoCommon here at McNeel Europe we teach to program a component that does this, in C# and Vb.Net. Grasshopper contains a 1D Perlin noise function (similar to sines summations), but this functionality cannot be directly extended to more dimensions.
This add-on forms smooth 4D Perlin noise and Simlex noise, two very well-known smooth noise functions investigated by Ken Perlin. Inputs are: - a point pt: the location to sample - a number (double) t: the "location" in time - a scale (number): a multiplier to change the scale of the values passed by pt and t To install this component: - download the assembly to your desktop - right click the file and choose "Unblock" (might not be necessary, but please do it) - from the Grasshopper interface, choose File -> Special folders -> Components Folder. - move PerlinSimplexNoise.gha to that folder (ends with "\Libraries") - restart Rhino. You'll find the components in the Math tab! If you want to know more, I suggest to check Simplex noise demystified.
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Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 5 Mac
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 Mac