(by BIMception)
1. Introduction Eyas is intended to enhance grasshopper by providing solutions to the user to allow grasshopper to be the central blank canvas for
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1. Introduction

Eyas is intended to enhance grasshopper by providing solutions to the user to allow grasshopper to be the central blank canvas for defining digital work flows for data concerning pre-processing, post processing, sorting, and object associativity.

Eyas is intended primarily for the AEC industry for solutions related to Building Information Modelling (BIM).

Eyas is provides low latency solutions for manipulating data, both native grasshopper and native rhino document objects, using principles of object attributes, data tables and dictionaries, using a NoSQL approach. Data is stored in memory using key value and field name field value methods. Excel is tightly integrated to provide pre and post processing options for manipulation of the data.

Three flavors of components are available for a user to choose:

  • Standard
  • Professional
  • Enterprise

The different flavors provide increased order of complexity to the user.










Eyas[1] is a grasshopper suite of tools designed to provide an Object Relational Mapping (ORM[2])  solution for grasshopper objects that is tightly inked with Excel.

Eyas provides a fast  interoperable link with excel, allowing for  content management and documentation of grasshopper data. Volatile data[3] can be easily managed and documented. Eyas allows for associative relationships to be automatically generated between reference geometry knowing only the geometric description of the object.

Eyas provides tools for fast data mining of any type of grasshopper volatile and reference data using a zero canvas latency link with Excel. Associative relationships can be defined between rhino objects using user defined keys which are stored in custom components called EyasDictionaries. EyasDictionaries may be filtered using user defined string patterns. Users may define custom workflows for manipulating data on the canvas with a live synchronized link for reading and writing data to Excel.

Eyas allows a user to track volatile data from anywhere on the canvas. Once created, a dictionary can be accessed from anywhere on the canvas. Volatile data created by grasshopper may now be assigned user ids and retrieved. This allows for relational database type work flows with volatile data with or without the use of Excel.

Please refer to the website http://eyas3d.com/ for further description of EYAS.

2. UPDATES Update 08/25/15

MAJOR update of EYAS to add the following features

  • Attributes (NEW)  - add EYASattributes to volatile and reference geometry:
    • Display attributes
    • Data attributes
    • Label or type
    • Grouping or order attributes
    • Full filtering of objects by assigned attributes using RegEX expressions or wild cards
    • Grouping of objects by attributes
    • Microwave - fluid way of modifying attributes to a geometry instead of baking new reference geometry
    • Full access to user strings and filtering by user string key, user string value
    • Conditional filtering of attributes by AND/OR/NOT/INVERSE operation
  • Data (NEW)  - components to work with data and data tables:
    • JSON reader and writer to convert volatile memory only objects to textural values that can be stored as persistent data in text files
    • Data table Creator - create a data table object for storing records composed of filed names and filed values
    • Date Table viewer and filter
      • filter a data table in real time by user defined filter criteria such as
        • range of values
        • string wild cards
      • View a data table in real time
      • Export data from the canvas of a data table directly in real time data to CSV/HTML/EXCEL/TEXT format
  • Dictionary
    • Volatile graphical viewing of Keys
    • Ability to filter to the key value pair of a dictionary item
    • Access dictionaries and grasshopper data from an external grasshopper document using the dictionary library component.
  • Excel
    • Fast low latency reading and writing of large data sets form Excel
    • Offsetting and origin definition of Excel ranges
    • Writing data to excel via a Excel native object of a Table or range name object
    • Retrieve filtered values from a excel range
  •  Geometry
    • Order geometry by Cartesian/cylindrical/spherical coordinates system ranges
    • Calculate folded angle between planes
    • Master slave
      • Determine master slaves relationships between geometry
        • From a set of geometry G only one master and multiple slave relationships are obtained
      • Determine MasterS slaves relationships between geometry
        • From a cloud of master geometry M and a slave geometry set S, a master slave relationship is obtained
      • Transform Plane
        • Principles of Yaw, Roll and Pitch angle are used to transform a coordinate system
  • System
    • File manager operations including renaming and moving files
    • Process launcher, launch a process such as Explorer or Bluebeam from a file path
  • Utility
    • Numeric formatting
    • Units of length  conversion

3. Minimum Requirements

  • .NET 4.0 Frame Work
  • Minimum of Excel 2007
  • Windows 7.0 or later
  • Rhino 5.0 SR3 or later both 64 bit and 32 bit are supported. (Eyas is currently only a 32 bit application).

4. How To Install

  • Download and save the installer .exe file.
  • Launch the installer and follow instructions
  • Read License Terms and Agree/Disagree
  • Once finished the EyasAssmebly should be automatically referenced in the grasshopper kernel settings file.
  • Launch Rhino/Grasshopper 

5. Further Reference and Debugging

Go to the website website http://eyas3d.com/ for further description of EYAS and for news.

Licensing and install instrucitons are here http://eyas3d.com/use-and-installation/



[1] ey•as  /ˈīəs/Noun A young hawk, esp. (in falconry) an unfledged nestling taken from the nest for training. Synonyms nestling

[2] An ORM is  a "virtual object database", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping

[3] There are two type of data in grasshopper, volatile and reference geometry. Reference geometry is persistent geometric rhinoceros object data such as text, lines, curves. This data persists outside of a grasshopper session. Volatile data is data that exists only in memory during a grasshopper session.

License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
Manual for Release 0.7.3
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
Eyas 0.9..0.6
Grasshopper for Rhino 4 & 5 for Win
Also by BIMception