eVe | rain
(by Programming Architecture)
  eVe | rain eVe | rain is a plug-in used for rain simulation. Besides the fact that it looks very interesting to see any of your 3D
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eVe | rain

eVe | rain is a plug-in used for rain simulation. Besides the fact that it looks very interesting to see any of your 3D models being covered with water, it can be very useful. For complex shapes intuition does not help when it comes to analyzing water paths. This plug-in will enable you to see how water runs over any shape (surface, polysurface or mesh). You will be able to see if you have spots where water stops flowing. You will be able to position your gutters appropriately and see what percentage of different areas lead water toward the same edge or spot. There is only so much that words can describe when it comes to a plug-in like this. So try it and see how it can help you.

The plug-in uses one Command (eve_rain) - one Dialog - see our manual for detailed instructions. You can download the plug-in also from our website: http://www.programmingarchitecture.com

The plug-in is released under the Creative Commons license. Please give credit where credit is due. If you want to use it for commercial purposes you have to contact us first at eve@programmingarchitecture.com.

The plug-in does not come with an installer - it is a single Rhino plug-in file (.rhp). So just Drag & Drop it or install it from the Tools/Options/Plug-ins.

·         Check out the video that explains what is this all about.

·         Visit as at http://www.programmingarchitecture.com and check out the projects we are working on now.

Give us your feedback and have fun with it!

Milos Dimcic



License Cost:
eVe | rain 0.9.1
Rhino 5 for Win
eVe | rain 0.9.2
Rhino 5 for Win